Dear EAN members,


ESCAIDE 2015 is approaching and this is the exactly the time where EAN needs you!!!!


We are looking for people from the EPIET Alumni Network that will be attending ESCAIDE 2015 to help us in comprising a jury panel to judge the Best Oral presentation for the EAN prize.


There are 21 parallel oral-presentation sessions that would require judges, so we really need your help! You do not have to sign up for all the sessions - but we would like a minimum of 2 judges per parallel oral-presentation session.


You will be provided with an easy to score grid (different ones for the oral and poster sessions), and would be asked to complete these for the sessions that you sign up for.


Previous judges have mentioned that they enjoyed the experience, so please help us out this year again! For those that volunteer, we promise you will get a little surprise gift to thank you for your efforts!


Please send us an email to [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering including the sessions which you will interested in attending as a judge!


ESCAIDE provisional programme can be found here:

Instructions to assess the EAN prize:
