The UK Field Epidemiology Training Programme (UKFETP) recruitment (2023) commenced today Wednesday 1st February 2023 with a closing date of 19th February 2023. The job advert, person spec, and application form are available at:

Health Jobs UK:

NHS Jobs: Job Advert (

CS Jobs: K Field Epidemiology Training Programme Fellow - Civil Service Jobs - GOV.UK

The UKFETP is open to StRs in Public Health and scientific, nursing, and veterinary staff who hold a Masters’ degree or PhD in a scientific discipline with significant health (human or animal), public health, epidemiology or data analysis component, and who can demonstrate a keen interest in field epidemiology.

StRs must have successfully completed Parts A and B of their training. The UKFETP training time may be counted towards CCT, but this must be discussed in advance with your TPD and evidenced in the application.

For more information on the UKFETP please visit or contact [email protected]