The Mediterranean Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (MediPIET) is a project funded by the European Commission and the DG for International Cooperation and Development under the Instrument Contributing to Stability and Peace, linked to the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence initiative – EU CBRN CoE Project 36. The project is led by the consortium FIIAPP-ISCIII, with the scientific leadership of ECDC, and runs from 2014-2017.
MediPIET is a regional field epidemiology training programme in which 18 countries of the Mediterranean, Balkans and Black Sea basins are partners in the MediPIET Programme: Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Kosovo*, Lebanon, Libya, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine*, Serbia, Tunisia, and Ukraine. Spain, France and Greece are the EU countries involved in the network providing scientific and institutional advice. Israel and Turkey are observers.