In June 2017 the first EAN mini-module on “Introduction to nosocomial infections: Surveillance, prevention and outbreak response” took place in Würzburg, Germany. A total of 22 participants and speakers from eight different countries contributed to an interesting and fruitful module with a variety of lectures and participant presentations.
The idea to host this module was born during ESCAIDE 2016 where several EAN members expressed the idea and wish for an integrated EAN module relevant for both microbiologists and epidemiologists on the topic “Nosocomial infections”.
The first day summarized the burden of Healthcare-Associated Infections on European Population Health and focused further on prevention and control measures in hospital settings, the definition of hospital acquired infections, multi resistant organisms and screening approaches. Lectures were completed with examples and situation reports from participants.
On the second day, presentations were held on nosocomial outbreak management, surveillance of nosocomial infections and multiresistant organisms at different levels (local, national and international) as well as surveillance in low resource settings.
A copy of the program can be found here.
The module was audio/video recorded (depending on consent given by the presenter)
After the module, participants positively mentioned the diversity of the group, enough room for discussion during and after the scientific program and brilliant networking opportunities. It was also highlighted that the workshop took place on Friday and Saturday and not on the weekend.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this module, especially Dr. Ulrich Vogel, deputy head of the Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology of the University of Würzburg, who generously hosted the module in this institute. The module was coordinated on behalf of EAN by Katherina Zakikhany, Nina Stock and Elisabeth Aichinger. A big thanks to them too!!
Presentations from the module: